Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off Rajasthan’s first Vande Bharat Express train, via video conferencing today i.e. on 12 April. The inaugural Vande Bharat Express in Rajasthan will ply between Jaipur and Delhi Cantt railway station. The regular service of this Vande Bharat Express will start from tomorrow i.e. from April 13. It will be the 14th Vande Bharat Express train in the country.
The Delhi-Jaipur-Ajmer Vande Bharat express will will operate between Ajmer and Delhi Cantt, with stops at Jaipur, Alwar and Gurgaon.
According to the schedule drawn up for the newest Vande Bharat Express, it will cover the distance between Delhi Cantonment and Ajmer in 5 hours and 15 minutes which is fastest that the Shatabdi Express which takes around 6 hours and 15 minutes. The new Vande Bharat Express will be faster by about 60 minutes than Shatabdi. The Vande Bharat Express between Ajmer and Delhi Cantt. This will also be the first semi-high-speed passenger train operating on high-rise overhead electric (OHE) lines.
As per the IRCTC website, the train will run on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The price of Chair car cost ₹1250 while that of Executive Chair car costs ₹2270.
The train will improve the connectivity to major tourist destinations in Rajasthan, including Pushkar and the Ajmer Sharif Dargah, among other places that draw visitors in bulk around the year.
Enhanced connectivity will also provide a boost to socio-economic development in the region.
Prior to this, on 8 April, PM Modi flagged off the Chennai-Coimbatore Vande Bharat Express in Chennai. It was the second train in the semi-high-speed class to be flagged off on the same day after the Secunderabad-Tirupati Vande Bharat Express, which rolled out of the Secunderabad Railway Station in Telangana. Earlier, in January, PM Modi had flagged off India’s eighth Vande Bharat Express between Secunderabad and Visakhapatnam. The launch came a week after Prime Minister Modi flagged off a Vande Bharat Express on the Bhopal-New Delhi route.
Vande Bharat Express is an indigenously manufactured, semi-high speed and self-propelled train set. The train is equipped with state-of-the-art passenger amenities, providing passengers with a faster, more comfortable and convenient travel experience.
source: livemint