An under-construction flyover in Maharashtra’s Konkan region collapsed on Monday, creating loud thud which startled the residents in the area. The sudden collapse of the flyover damaged all the machinery working on it. A video of the overpass crumbling to the ground was shared on social media platforms. It is supposed to be the largest flyover in the area.
According to reports, two girders in the middle of the Bahadur Sheikh Brigde broke leading it to fall apart. Out of a total of 46 pillars, work up to the bridge’s sixth pillar was completed before the incident. No severe damage has been reported in the area.
In the CCTV footage, recorded from across the area, shows normal movement of vehicles in the surrounding lanes when the bridge started to bend downwards and eventually collapsed. All the machinary placed on top of it, including a crane, purportedly tumbled as the flyover couldn’t hold its pressure.
Further in the video clip, people were seen rushing towards the site after the incident, likely to check on possible casualties.
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